Why Do I Get Bloated Even After I Changed My Diet

Rita maro
14 min readNov 23, 2022


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Bloating happens when the stomach feels inflated after eating. Bloating can occur for a variety of reasons, including indigestion, constipation, trapped wind when eating, period water retention, etc.

My experience with bloating

Bloating made life so difficult and exhausting for me. I initially believed I was lactose intolerant. I stopped consuming dairy products, which I don’t usually take, but nothing changed, so I decided to alter my diet plans. I cut back on the amount of food I ate, ate dinner by 7 p.m., started drinking only cucumber water, which I still do today, and avoided night snacks, which was a challenge because I was used to doing so and this change left me feeling hungry at night. So I drank water every time I woke up late at night.

Making these changes was not simple, but I had no choice because my bloating had gotten so bad that it was making it difficult for me to eat when I got hungry. I’ll have a tight, gas-filled stomach. Even when I bleched, the smell was awful.

Do you experience that urge when you want success right away, even though you’ve barely begun? That was how I felt. So I had to give myself seven months to see if my diet adjustment was successful. After the 7th month, I did continue to experience bloat problems, but they weren’t as severe as they had been before. Yet I was dissatisfied, so I decided to expand my research and STOP THIS BLOATING ONCE AND FOR ALL.

Bloating is a common health issue that both men and women experience. Some people have become acclimated to it to the point that they now view it as part of their lives due to various treatments and dietary adjustments, and yet nothing seems to change despite efforts to treat this health issue, and even when it does, the changes are temporary. Here are some tips that helped with my bloating.

Foods that relieve bloating

Cucumber water is probably a remedy you’ve heard of for bloating, but numerous other foods can assist. Poor digestion, an excessive amount of sodium, or your period can all contribute to bloating. Purchase plenty of these anti-bloating foods to stop it.

1. Cucumber Water
According to the book “Healing Foods” by DK Publishing House, cucumber is a great vegetable to keep the balance of water in the body. “Cucumber is crucial for heart and kidney health because it maintains the body’s water balance. Additionally, it has a modest diuretic effect and can aid in preventing constipation.” Cucumber is a vegetable that contains a lot of water and can help the body maintain a healthy water balance as well as avoid water retention.

Potassium is abundant in cucumber, which helps counteract the negative effects of sodium, which is known to promote bloating. It aids in salt resorption through urine. The antioxidants quercetin, caffeic acid (found in the skin), vitamin C, and silica found in cucumbers have been proven to minimize swelling. Daily use of cucumbers can also help you reduce bloating, just as placing them around your eyes helps reduce puffiness.

Cucumbers without their peel are frequently consumed by many of us. Due to their high antioxidant content, cucumber peels should also be consumed frequently rather than thrown away after each use. You can eat them raw or dunk some freshly chopped cucumber slices in a glass of water and sip from it throughout the day. An energizing method to avoid bloating is to have chilled cucumber soup.

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2. Beans, lentils

According to Grotto, most of the patients he treats who have bloated tummies are consuming too much sodium and insufficient potassium and fiber. He adds that minimizing bloat will happen very immediately if your salt intake is reduced and your potassium intake is increased. Given their high fiber content, lentils are an excellent choice for promoting healthy digestion. White beans, soybeans, and lima beans are among the foods high in potassium. These foods also have the highest fiber content of any vegetables. Beans are also naturally high in protein and estrogen, says Newgent, and they can help with period bloating.

Beans, lentils
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3. Yogurt

You should use yogurt rather than milk in your next smoothie because many people are lactose intolerant, especially if the yogurt has live, active cultures.

According to Newgent, milk’s lack of breakdown of the milk sugar can cause gas and bloat. Yogurt, on the other hand, has already been predigested and contains milk sugar. Bloating symptoms can be alleviated by yogurt’s active culture, Lactobacillus acidophilus. For the ideal bloat-reducing snack, mix in some melon or bananas.

Yogurt in a
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4. Pineapple

Bromelain, a digestive enzyme found in pineapple, aids in the breakdown of proteins that would otherwise result in gastrointestinal problems, according to Harbstreet. Try juicing the core of the fruit and sipping it alone or blending it with your preferred smoothie to take advantage of the debloating properties since the stem and core contain a higher concentration of the enzyme than the outer bites.

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5. Rosemary and turmeric

According to Jackie Newgent, R.D., a culinary nutritionist and chef, rosemary has been used to treat everything from heartburn and headaches to toothaches and high blood pressure. It also treats intestinal gas and aids in digestion. She advises trying it in tea or making your cooking broth by adding it to celery or parsley.

According to Newgent, turmeric, which is prized in Asia for its capacity to combat pain and inflammation, is essential for assisting with an upset stomach and bloat reduction. Use the vibrant yellow spice in a curry recipe or, for a one-two bloating-busting punch, flavor another food on this list with turmeric.

Rosemary, turmeric, thyme,
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6. Lemon-infused water

Here’s why the traditional cure of drinking lemon water to relieve bloating is so effective. Many people neglect to drink water when they are bloated when they ought to be doing the exact opposite. According to David Grotto, R.D., author of 101 Foods That Could Save Your Life, people frequently believe that they should reduce their water consumption while they are holding on to it. Your body retains water to ensure that you don’t become dehydrated.

You should push fluids during a bloating problem rather than restricting them. Drinking warm water with lemons in it acts as a mild laxative and a natural diuretic. Lemon water is beneficial for bloating relief and can help the body absorb less salt. Just be careful to avoid inhaling more air by drinking directly from a glass rather than a straw.

A glass of lemon infused water
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7. Celery

Because celery contains compounds that are known to reduce fluid retention, it has long been used as a digestive aid to control intestinal gas and regulate bowel motions. According to Grotto, celery has a high water content and a detoxification system that can help your body rid itself of pollutants.

Cucumbers, summer squash, parsley, and any other type of leafy green are additional top choices for vegetables that will aid in reducing fluid retention. When it comes to consuming vegetables in general, prefer cooked vegetables over raw ones. Once they are cooked, the fiber structure is broken down, making them simpler to digest. Despite the high water content of fresh vegetables, some people may experience increased bloating as a result

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8. Watermelon

Although all melons are good for you, watermelon is one of the juiciest fruits available and one of the finest foods to aid with bloating. Its 92 percent water content is likely the reason for this. It is a fantastic source of potassium and a natural diuretic. When it comes to preventing bloat, he explains, the ratio of sodium to potassium must be balanced.

For the best belly-deflating remedy, consider making your spa water by combining lemon, cucumber, watermelon, and rosemary. (Warning: Drinking this may necessitate more trips to the bathroom than usual.)

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9. Ginger

If you don’t have fresh ginger on hand in your kitchen, you should think carefully about stocking up. Fresh ginger is not only a wonderful addition to tea and dinner recipes, but it’s also a fantastic remedy for bloating. According to Ashvini Mashru, R.D., it helps with all GI problems, including bloating, nausea, digestive problems, gas, and any of those.

Researchers claim that ginger is a carminative, which means that its gingerols and shoals aid in the stomach’s expulsion of gas. According to Mashru, bloating can be reduced with as little as 1/2 teaspoon of freshly sliced ginger. You can reduce stomach bloating by boiling it with tea leaves, straining it, and sipping.

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10. Bananas

Banana's potassium balances your body’s electrolyte and hydration levels, thus balancing the harmful impacts of excessively processed foods. According to Mashru, potassium has the opposite effect of sodium in that it causes our bodies to lose all of their water. To demonstrate: In a study that appeared in the journal Anaerobe, 34 healthy women were instructed to consume a banana, a beverage with a banana flavor, or two glasses of water daily before a meal. Significantly more than the other two groups, the banana group had a 50% reduction in bloating.

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11. Asparagus

The amino acid asparagine in asparagus is a natural diuretic, according to Cara Harbstreet, R.D., of Street Smart Nutrition. Diuretics help you pee more frequently, so you’ll be exchanging your bloated pain for pee that smells like asparagus, but you’ll probably think it’s worth it.

Since no set amount of asparagus must be consumed to enjoy these advantages, start by including a serving of asparagus with each meal. For your next cookout, Harb Street advises grilling asparagus or roasting it alongside other vegetables on a sheet pan. Incorporate the spears into your salad or grain bowl after cutting them into 1-inch pieces.

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5 Quick Techniques to Avoid Bloating When on a Healthy Diet

1. Eating slowly

A lot of people eat hastily and carelessly, which leaves them open to weight gain and other health issues. A more sensible strategy could be to consume your food slowly, as it has several benefits.

According to studies, those who eat quickly gain more weight than people who eat slowly. Fast eaters’ weight gain can in part be a result of their eating habits. Slow eating encourages you to eat less, which prevents weight gain because hormones control your appetite. The hormones that make you feel full are released after you eat. These hormones convey to your brain that you have consumed food by making you feel full and assisting you in putting an end to your eating behavior.

Among the additional ways slow eating can enhance your health and quality of life are:

A. Making you feel in control and at ease
B. Help with digestion
C. Enabling you to enjoy the food you are consuming
D. Release of bloating

Guidelines for eating slowly

A. Consume foods that make you chew them thoroughly, such as fibrous foods like fruits and vegetables.

B. Deep breathing can also be beneficial. Take a deep breath to help you refocus if you find that you are eating too quickly.

C. Make sure to drink a lot of water along with your meals. If you must drink something, stay away from calorie-dense drinks.

D. When you are incredibly hungry, it is challenging to manage your eating rate. So, avoid delaying eating until you’re hungry. Having wholesome snacks on hand can help you avoid feeling extremely hungry.

E. Between bits of food, you can set your fork or spoon down. This can encourage you to savor each bite and eat more leisurely.

Keep in mind that changes take time, so you must be patient with all of these changes.

2. Increase your home cooking.

By preparing your meals at home, you can increase the caliber of your diet and lower your risk of obesity. You don’t have to worry about unidentified or high-calorie components when you cook your food because you know exactly what’s in it.

Reduce how frequently you eat out as much as you can. Choose to cook more frequently at home so that you can maintain a healthier lifestyle.

3. Take In A Lot Of Protein

A healthier lifestyle can be maintained by including more protein in your meals. Good health depends on protein. For the growth and upkeep of bodily tissues, it is typically necessary. Being more satisfied for longer, having fewer cravings, and avoiding overeating are all benefits of including a source of protein in your diet that can help you lose weight.

Reduced blood pressure, susceptibility to various infections and diseases, and delayed wound healing are some difficulties your body system may encounter as a result of inadequate protein intake.

Eggs, peanuts, beans, meat, salmon, Greek yogurt, lentils, milk, and other dairy products are just a few examples of foods high in protein that can help you achieve your daily requirements.

4. Take A Lot Of Water

Your health depends on you consuming enough water each day.

The following are a few health advantages of getting enough water:

A. It promotes digestion.
B. It moisturizes your joints.
C. It controls the temperature of your body.
D. It delivers food and oxygen to the cells.

Since many of the extra calories and fats we struggle with originate from the beverages and sugary drinks we consume, drinking more water instead of sugary drinks can also help you lose weight.

Your calorie and sugar intake may be significantly decreased by substituting water for other beverages. Additionally, studies have shown that consuming water before meals will decrease hunger and cause you to eat fewer calories.

5. Take in More Fruit

Fruits give your body a variety of vital vitamins and minerals. By beginning and maintaining a fruit-rich diet, your health will improve. Even though many individuals are aware of the health advantages of eating fruits, you’ll notice that many of them don’t consume enough of them.

Fruits are completely cholesterol-free and highly high in fiber. Constipation is avoided, and digestion is aided by fiber content. According to research, including plenty of fruit in your diet can help lower cholesterol and fend off diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.

Fruits contain natural sugars, which the body slowly metabolizes and thus do not raise blood sugar levels. Fruit juices are an exception, as many are not produced using the same methods; they are produced using sugar and concentrates rather than fresh fruit. Even fruit liquids prepared from genuine fruits don’t give the same “chewing resistance” that whole fruits do, which encourages overconsumption and elevated blood sugar levels. Consume your fruits rather than drink them.

4 Foods That Make You Bloated

Carbonated drinks. Although they won’t cause abdominal bloating like other foods on this list, the air infused in the drinks during the carbonation process may cause gas buildup in your stomach. This leads to discomfort, bloating, and most likely belching, but it’s a very transient effect that should only last a few hours.

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Sugar-free gum, candies, and desserts What foods make you bloated? ones that contain sugar alcohols, that’s for sure. They are poorly digested (if at all), which leaves them to be feasted on by gut bacteria, leading to increased gas production and bloating. Xylitol, a sugar alcohol, has some added beneficial effects on your oral health and is generally better tolerated, while sorbitol and mannitol are not. Try to limit sugar-free desserts to a maximum of one per day. A few sticks of sugar-free gum a day shouldn’t be a problem — just don’t consume more than one pack a day.

Sugar-free candies
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Broccoli and cabbage. The class of vegetables that includes broccoli and cabbage is notorious for causing bloating. The bloating has less to do with their high fiber content (a common scapegoat) and more to do with the nondigestible carbohydrates they contain. Reducing the amount of these foods that you eat in one setting could be enough to eliminate the occurrence of any bloating. If you love these foods and don’t want to reduce or give them up, try a supplement like Bean-O, which will provide your body with the enzymes needed for the digestion of these carbs. The indigestible carbohydrates will then be broken down and digested, leaving nothing for bacteria to feast on.

Broccoli, cabbage, califlour
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Diary foods. Dairy can cause bloating at a variety of levels due to the malabsorption of lactose, the sugar found in dairy. When considering what foods make you bloated, such as yogurt, milk, and cheese, it varies widely based on a person’s ability to digest lactose. The amount of lactose in different dairy foods is also variable. Because of this, it may take some time to determine your level of lactose intolerance and how that translates into what kinds and how much dairy food you can eat.

Milk, cheese and
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How to Stop Bloating Permanently

Limit your sodium consumption and choose fresh foods over processed ones. As an illustration, fresh turkey breast has less salt than processed, packaged turkey.

Reduce your alcohol consumption. When you consume too much alcohol, you risk becoming dehydrated, which will cause your body to start absorbing water.

If you have bloating from constipation, concentrate on eating foods that hold water, such as wheat bran or all-bran cereal.

Make sure you get adequate sleep and engage in at least 30 minutes of physical exercise each day to keep fluid circulating in your body because your lifestyle can affect bloating. Make sure to take frequent breaks from sitting at your desk or on airplanes if you frequently travel, and make sure to stretch your legs or walk a lap around the office.

Consult a doctor if your stomach issues are becoming chronic and these meals that help with bloating aren’t controlling them.

Final Statements

You don’t have to entirely modify your diet all at once; instead, you can strive to make small changes each day. These minor adjustments will eventually affect your entire diet, assisting you in maintaining and improving a healthy lifestyle.



Rita maro

Live life, love life and stay healthy.